General Data Privacy Policy

Data protection information of DOG SHOW Ltd


DOG SHOW Ltd informs the participants at its events and those who register in its entry system about its data management procedures and the users' legal remedy options.

As a data handler, Dog Show Ltd undertakes that its services provided regarding data management comply with current regulations and legislations.

Information of the data controller:

Name: DOG SHOW Ltd.

Headquarters: H-00 Székesfehérvár, Tóvárosi lakónegyed 31. 3. em. 2. ajtó

Company registration number: 01-09-952895

Tax number: 23099197-2-07

Customer Service:

General Information: +36 (70) 457 2760

E-mail (general):

E-mail (data handling & protection):


The specific purpose of this document is to ensure that DOG SHOW Ltd (as data controller), in all areas of services, for all customers regardless of nationality or place of residence, can provide their rights and fundamental freedoms, especially privacy rights, are respected during personal data management through machine processing (data protection), complying with the following regulations:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR)

  • Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information ("Privacy Act")

  • Act XLVII of 2008 on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices against Consumers (competition law)

  • Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Requirements and Certain Restrictions of Commercial Advertising Activities

  • Act CXXXIII of 2005 on the personal and property protection and the private detective activities

  • Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial transactions and information society services

(The definitions related to the personal data management in this document are the same as the definitions of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information.)

Legal basis for data management

By making an entry for our events, purchasing any of our services or products, or subscribing to our newsletters, you enter into a contract with us to deliver the specified products or services.

With regards to the data necessary to fulfill the contract (conduct events, shows, etc.), the legal basis of managing personal data is to fulfill this contract. These data are marked as mandatory when registering into the online entry system.  The legal basis of handling non-mandatory data is your consent.

In addition to the consent for general data management, we also ask for consent to send e-mails and text messages for marketing purposes. This consent can be revoked at any time, independently from the other data. The withdrawal of this consent does not prohibit you from participating at our events.

The purpose and duration of data management

The general goals of data management provided by DOG SHOW Ltd are:

  • to identify and manage our customers' (their participants') data and register entries;
  • to conduct events and exhibitions managed by us;
  • to provide accurate information for our customers and to conduct marketing activities;
  • to manage financial records;
  • to compile statistics and conduct analyses;
  • in case of providing a discounted entry option, determine the participants entitled for the benefit and assign that on their profile (e.g. MEOESZ federal membership card);
  • in case of an issue occurring at our event, to inform the involved parties based on information provided by the customer;
  • to continuously enhance our services and prepare additional events and exhibitions.

Our customers in our database (i.e. participants) can make an entry for any of our future events as well, therefore their identification may be necessary for an indefinite period of time. To provide ongoing discounts we also might need some data to be accessed indefinitely (e.g. discounts after entering a certain number of dogs). For the above mentioned reasons we generally store information/personal data provided by our customers until the withdrawal of our customers' consent, that is they are only deleted upon explicit request. However when we conduct our triennial audit, we keep the right to delete the data of users who have not entered to any exhibition for several years.

Detailed marketing activities

Marketing activities of DOG SHOW Ltd include:

  • to create statistical data analyses to enhance service  and to provide a base for its discounts;
  • to identify target groups from its clientele who may be interested in a specific service or event (e.g. owners of dogs of a specific breed or group)
  • to send newsletters and promotions via email
  • to send promotional text messages (we barely use this option as our main direct marketing tool is email sending)
  • to use photos and videos of the participants, made at its exhibitions and events (all our customers have to give their explicit consent for this at each exhibition and event with each entry as this is mandatory to make a valid entry as we cannot always identify individuals on photos by name).

Data transfer abroad

DOG SHOW Ltd does not transmit any personal data abroad, but reserves the right to move its virtual servers to the cloud if necessary. You can read more about this in the section about servers.

Scope of managed data

The personal data we manage are detailed below, together with the purpose of data management. We keep records of the data provided by our customers, and calculations generated from them. We also keep records of titles obtained at events (especially exhibitions) (i. e. CAC, CACIB, etc.) as well as data related to the organisation of exhibitions (for example start number, entry confirmation).

We record the data of financial transactions (date, amount, currency, items, transaction ID in case of an online entry). In the online entry system, payment by bank card is made through the secured online payment site of OTP Mobile Ltd, therefore the data entered at payment are provided directly to the bank, this is why no card details are provided for DOG SHOW Ltd, we do not obtain or manage such data.

According to the provisions of the specific organising entities, if the event is cancelled or the date is changed, the organisation will refund a certain part of the entry fee to the customer. For this process, at the time of entry, our customers must also provide their bank account numbers and account managing bank details.

Sending emails and text messages

We send emails to all our customers:

  • about successful registration into our online system; 
  • during the processing of entries (notifications); 
  • about information related to purchases;
  • when a password reminder or change has been initiated; 
  • about information on our events; 
  • if it is necessary, for administration and data reconciliation purposes.

We send text messages:

  • At the time of an unexpected event or event of high importance, if we cannot notify the person in any other way due to the shortness of time;
  • The above mentioned messages are part of our service and are sent independently of the consent for marketing purposes.
  • We only send e-mails, text messages and newsletters of marketing purpose for those who have consented to it. This consent can be withdrawn at any time, for example by using the unsubscribe function at the bottom of each of our newsletters, in the online system by clicking on Edit my data button or by requesting it in a separate e-mail.

Personnel entitled to view and access data

Personal data provided by the customers can be viewed or accessed by only those employees who manage tasks regarding entries, or conduct data analyses, data maintenance, data aggregation or evaluation, as well as personnel responsible for providing our customers with information before or after our events. The above-mentioned personnel includes:

  • administrator and data entry workers / data handling partners;
  • system administrator, software developer and database handlers / data handling partners;
  • financial workers / data handling partners;
  • marketing workers  / data handling partners.

Data handling partners (subcontractors)

  • IT Kraft Kft. (H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Bodrogi utca 48/1; tax number: 32080977-2-07), tasks: operations, software development and database handling;
  • Simon Nándorné Horváth Edina e.v (H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Bodrogi utca 48/1; tax number: 65788639-2-27), tasks: software development, administration and financial services
  • You can request a list of our additional partners by sending an e-mail to

Data handling partners (organising entities)

Data handling partners are the so-called ‘organising entities’ for the specific events. Some events are organised in collaboration with, and ordered by our partners (organising entities). Customers can find information about the organising entity of a specific event on the information page.

We provide the participants' personal and entry data of a specific event for our data handling partners which are necessary for the organisation of the event.

Our data handling partners use and manage these data exclusively for the purpose determined by DOG SHOW Ltd.

For some events our data handling partners use additional data handling partners e.g. to create and edit video recordings, make personal commemorative videos, and deliver and store them for those concerned. Detailed information on these activities are provided by our data handling partners.

Current list of our data handling partners (organising entities):

For a list of additional partners please send an email to:

Location of servers involved in data handling

The place of DOG SHOW Ltd’s data handling is: 

Budapest Internet Exchange (H-1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 18-22).

The operator of our further webpages is IT Kraft Kft. (H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Bodrogi utca 48/1; tax number: 32080977-2-07). List of contact details:

Data generated when visiting our websites

Like all webservers on the internet, our webservers automatically store certain data when accessing our websites: this data can be categorised as personal data. When accessing and our other websites, the servers store data that are generally used to fix system malfunctions, to enhance services and to detect possible hacking attempts:

  • date and time of visit;
  • address of the accessed webpage;
  • the address of the referring website (from which the visitor came);
  • the visitor's IP-address;
  • the visitor's browser header (so-called user agents), which contains the type and version number of the visitor’s operating system and the browser.

Data stored on our entry customers/participants

The data listed below are used to identify participants (e.g. to distinguish between customers with similar names), to keep in contact, to provide our services (e.g. sending notifications about events), to organise events (e.g. start numbers, to identify results, to solve problems), for financial reporting and marketing purposes detailed above. Data not necessarily required during registration or entry are marked as non-mandatory.

Basic data:

  • ID in database (user identifier, automatically generated)
  • Name
  • Language
  • Type of registration (individual / business)
  • Email address (email address used for login)
  • Secondary email address
  • Phone Number
  • Country
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Address (street, house number, floor, door)
  • Mailing address
  • MEOESZ federal card number + proof of federal card number (file)
  • Tax number (only for companies)
  • Bank name and BIC or SWIFT code
  • IBAN prefix
  • Account number
  • Date of registration

Additional data about participants registered in the online entry system:

  • encrypted password
  • transaction ID for online payment, needed for financial checks and problem solving
  • bank account number and account managing bank data (in compliance with the organising entity provisions)

Entry data related to specific events:

  • Name of the dog
  • Pedigree number
  • Chip number
  • Breed
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Sire’s name
  • Sire’s pedigree number
  • Dam’s name
  • Dam’s pedigree number
  • Are the owner and breeder the same?
  • Breeder's Name
  • Co-Breeder's Name
  • Co-Owner's Name
  • Co-Owner's federal card number
  • Co-Owner's proof of federal card number (file)
  • Pedigree first page (file)
  • Pedigree second page (file)
  • Working Certificate (file)
  • Champion Certificate (file)
  • Junior Champion Certificate (file)
  • Entry Class
  • Date of Entry

Registration of people aged under 18

Minors under the age of 18 can only register to our events with parental supervision.

Data deletion

Complying with the current laws and regulations, our customers can request the deletion of their personal data from our database and from our online entry system at any time.

Data can be stored even after consent has been revoked if it is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations and to assert legitimate interests. Legal obligations include compliance with financial controls, which require payment data stored in the database. Our legitimate interest is to keep the integrity of the database. In this context, for technical reasons (due to the structure of the databases), we cannot delete data that are directly linked to some other data (i.e. external key). It is our legal obligations, as well as legitimate interests and an obligation towards third parties, to preserve safety backup copies so the database can be restored in case of damage. Data cannot be deleted from the safety backups, only from the live database. Backup copies are only accessible to the system administrator and are only used for recovery in the event of a malfunction. It is also our legitimate interest to be able to continue to extract statistical data from the database, for example the number and statistical composition of the participants to a specific exhibition should not change.

Based on this we can only completely delete data of users who have never made an entry for any of our events, never purchased any of our products or services, i.e. they have only registered. For those who do not  have relevant data in the online entry system, we will delete their data from the online database, but the necessary required data will remain in the main database. Otherwise we delete the customer's name, all contact details, addresses, related data, contact details provided during entries, the last known billing address and details, and other potentially stored data that are not necessary to keep the integrity of our database.

If the customer has asked to have his/her data deleted, (s)he can create a new profile and register for future events, however we cannot consider his/her previous entries into consideration.

Cookies on our website

This website uses so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of the customer's computer when they visit our website through their web browser. Cookies store some specific information (e.g specific settings for a website or language preferences), that the customers' browser transmits to us when the customer visits our website again, depending on the cookies lifetime.

Mandatory session cookies

These cookies are mandatory for customers to browse our website and use its functions, for example, among other things, saving actions made by the customer on a specific website during a visit. The validity period of these cookies applies only to the customer's current visit; when the session ends or when the browser is closed, these cookies are automatically deleted from the customers' computer.

Without the use of these cookies we cannot guarantee the usage of our website for our customers.

PHPSESSID: These cookies are used to identify the session on the website (until customer closes the browser).

cookiebar: Stores information regarding consent for cookies on our website (for 12 months).

Performance cookies

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information on how our visitors use our web pages. These cookies cannot identify the customer individually (they only store partial data on IP addresses). They collect information such as which page a visitor has accessed, which part of the website the user clicked on, how many pages were visited, how long the visitor accessed a page, and possible error messages. All with the aim of improving our website and the experience provided to our customers.

_ga : For information about the cookies used by Google click here (2 years)

_gid : For information about the cookies used by Google click here (24 hours)

_ga : For information about the cookies used by Google click here (2 years)

_gads : For information about the cookies used by Google click here (2 years)

Legal remedy options

In case you believe that DOG SHOW Ltd or any of its employees has violated your personal data protection rights, please contact DOG SHOW Ltd by sending an email to or our contact details indicated in the introduction, to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Our contact information can be found in the beginning of our Data Privacy Policy.

Should you believe that DOG SHOW Ltd. has not handle your problem appropriately or did not proceed to take necessary steps to resolve your problem, you have the opportunity to bring your case to court or contact the Hungarian National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.

Hungarian National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority

Postal Address: H-1534 Budapest P.O.B. 834

Address: H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.

Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400

Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410



President: Dr. Attila Péterfalvi 

Disclosure of DOG SHOW Ltd

Our Company as data manager reserves the right to change its data privacy policy in case necessary. This can be done at the introduction of new services; at the times of technical system changes and updates; or when required by law. However, this kind of modifications cannot be made to use personal data for different purposes than originally intended to.

Should you have any questions or inquiries regarding data handling or data protection, please contact us on

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Последняя модификация: 2024-01-10