
Online fizetési rendszer - technikai probléma


Ezúton tájékoztatjuk nevezőinket, hogy a SimplePay rendszerében műszaki probléma miatt időszakos kiesés tapasztalható. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a tranzakciók egy része technikai hiba miatt elutasításra kerülhet.

Az esetleges kellemetlenségért elnézést kérünk.



Online fizetési rendszer - technikai probléma

Planned shutdown: 28.03.2024


Due to the development and maintenance work carried out in the SimplePay bank card payment system, it is expected that the website will not be available all day on 28.03.2024. If the works are completed earlier than planned, we will make our services available again.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Planned shutdown: 28.03.2024

Information for the upcoming Fehova Winterdogshow 2024


Confirmations and parking tickets purchased from today until midnight on 02/04/2024 will also be sent out on 02/05/2024.
The purchase of parking tickets closes at midnight on February 4, 2024. Important! The confirmations can also be downloaded from the system after logging in!

Information for the upcoming Fehova Winterdogshow 2024

Online payment system slowdown


Update: The operation of the system was restored at 20:00 on 01.29.2024.
There is a slowdown in the SimplePay bank card payment system, so the status of transactions can be confirmed late, so some of the transactions will be unsuccessful. There is also a temporary outage in the operation of the Simple app.

Please be patient and repeat the payment again today.

Online payment system slowdown